Oil Paintings by


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    Click on Images for Larger View    
   16x20    oil on linen
   Sea Dream 
  9x12    oil on linen
   20x24     oil on linen
   The Amixh Girl - Morning Chore  
   24x30    oil on linen
   The Boy  
   24x40    oil on linen
  30x40    oil on linen
   The Secret  
   20x24    oil on linen
   16x20 oil on canvas
   Mr. Miller  
  24x30    oil on linen
   Sister Michael
  20x24    oil on linen
   Father Richard Ho Lung  
   20x24    oil on linen
   Pickets Charge (detail)  
  36x168    oil on linen
    Loading Bait, Rockland
    16x20  oil on linen
    CCJ Magazine
    16x20  oil on linen
    CCJ Magazine 06'
    16x20  oil on linen
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All artwork on this site © copyrighted by Neal Hughes.